01 September 2005

marry me martha!

factory : martha wainwright

last night was the first time i ever heard martha wainwright's voice. but the first few lines of factory were enough for me to know that i'm going to keep her close to the heart of my musical collection for a long while. i have a weakness for female voices that evoke a feeling of fragile calm, and wainwright's comes close to its perfect balance. hope sandoval ripped my heart with drugged nonchalance. harriet wheeler hollowed it out with her quiet distance. but wainwright gave it a renewed trust that some things we have lost may come back in the end. it's the voice of a woman sitting forlorn on her porch, blankly staring at the starless sky, an occasional tear sliding into the half-consumed glass of wine she holds against her chest. it's strength and vulnerability at the same time, and wainwright knows neither will prevail, because neither has to.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous17.10.05

    I haven't been on your blog since August..but gosh, had I known you didn't know Martha, I would have told you about her. Her music is sublime. She is so much better than her brother Rufus.
